Food & Farming

We are working alongside farmers to find solutions that work while protecting their livelihoods, bridging the gap between science, policy and ambitious corporate engagement to reduce methane and other greenhouse gases from agriculture in an impactful way to meet EU targets.


Climate Smart Agriculture

Agriculture is responsible for 11% of the EU’s total greenhouse gas emissions, 54% of all methane emissions, as well as nitrous oxide. Based on current national projections we will only see a slight reduction trend of 2% by 2030 compared to 2005 levels of these powerful pollutants. We know agriculture can play a positive and important role in climate change mitigation while also adapting farming to be more resilient in the face of increasingly serious climate risk that sees farmers on the front lineto continue guaranteeing food security.

field from above

Oceans & Fisheries

Globally, our goal is for the world’s wild fisheries to be managed sustainably, providing more fish in the sea, more food, and more prosperity for fishing communities. Key to achieving this is the alignment of incentives so that both the needs of people and the capacity of the oceans are respected. Through policy, technology and financing, we’re empowering fishing communities around the world to take a leading role in protecting ocean ecosystems and promoting sustainable fisheries. Our goal is to ensure that by 2030, fisheries in the world’s top fishing nations are more resilient to climate change. 
