Goal: Accelerated adoption of clean energy in all sectors to reduce carbon emissions (against a 2017 baseline) and contribute to improvements in air quality, while allowing for strong growth in the economy.
Data into action
We are witnessing a revolution in information technology. ‘Smart’ technologies and infrastructure, coupled with machine learning, can help reduce emissions by better matching sources of energy demand with clean supply. This will help increase the overall efficiency of the shift to a zero emissions electricity system and unlock savings for citizens. In addition, low cost sensor technology coupled with “big data” can create powerful new tools for informing the populace and building momentum for change.
Focusing on urban air quality can build the political will needed to bring about wholesale changes in our energy system. Using new technology, we can develop a much more fine-grained understanding of the location and causes of poor air quality, and present that data in a way that connects to the daily lives of the people who are affected. We are already working in partnerships to bring these new approaches to life in Europe.

Advocating new policies
We will work to increase the pace and efficiency of efforts to decarbonise the European energy system by seeking to influence climate and energy policy development and implementation at both a European and member state level. A particular focus will be on transport. We will work with partners, engage stakeholders and undertake targeted advocacy to influence the shape of new regulations and policies, ensuring that climate and air quality objectives are met in complementary ways. We will advance policies that increase investor confidence so that capital flows are significantly increased.

Air Quality
Poor air quality directly impacts our health and must be improved. Its sources and impacts are often complex to untangle but we know that a shift away from the combustion of fuels in areas where there are people would have an immediate benefit. We are bringing our scientific and data analysis expertise and the deployment of low costs sensors to cities in Europe, starting with a year-long project in London to assess the city’s air quality in unprecedented detail. We will work with scientists, data analysts, citizens, companies and policymakers to develop innovative solutions and responsive policies, based on cutting-edge technologies, robust data and citizen engagement strategies.